Make A Difference In Your Community Today, It Takes A Village.
Michigan Warriors has had a big impact on my life from on and off the court. Inside of this program you learn how to be a good person and have great people skills.
I have witnessed, firsthand, what this organization has done for our youth and their community. I know some of the young people from their schools. Some I even taught. They thrive with this organization and the skills they have gained. They are setting goals, reaching them, working and volunteering in their community as well as encouraging each other. Some of their parents have joined in the effort to uplift and help them achieve success. It is much more than sports! It is community, self worth, inspiration and growth. Very excited to see what’s in their future. The leaders are making leaders.
Michigan Warriors helped me become a better person thrive to be better for my future and helped me out in so many ways I’m very grateful to have Michigan warriors
the michigan warriors aka, Zoe and Coach T has had a very big impact on me and my siblings life even at home issues and problems they have helped me manage anger and there program has kept me focused and out of trouble, coach t taught me how to play basketball treated me as her own and they actually give real love to the kids that they work with even outside of the program i appreciate y’all very much.
The Michigan warriors kept me motivated and out of bad situations- it’s gotten me out the house more and I’m very grateful for it. The coach’s impacted my life to enjoy the sport more each day and appreciate the opportunity they created for each of us.
When i first joined the warriors when i was 15 it kept me active ,in shape and out of trouble for the most part and even now im 23 and the warriors the reason i decided to play ball again i haven’t played basketball for real since covid and the lockdown happened.
I'm a mother of 3 boys who plays with the Michigan Warriors this is more than just a basketball team they are a family coach T goes over and beyond for her players. I have seen her do amazing things for these young men one of the players were going through some hard times coach T and the players got together and help him with clothes food and the young boy is doing great he will be going to cass tec in the fall she has even done a shoe give away I can go on and on on how coach T has done for her players and also the Community. Just know she will give you the shirt off her back she is the best hand down..
Michigan Warriors to me moves in a way that has their clients enthused to work. Also the powers behind their moves that they make are magnetizing, a lot of fun to move with and are able to make change from the smallest person to the biggest person in the room. They impacted me wholeheartedly in a way that's not easy to forget and it always reminds me to work behind closed doors because the work that they don’t see is what matters the most. Thankyou
Change starts with you. Remember, it takes a village. Join the community that cultivates our youth!